empowerment and educational talks

Our passion for empowering female leaders burns especially bright. With hopes to inspire the next generation, we connect with promising Filipina youth through campus tours, coaching sessions, and various networking activities.

Inspired Conversations Campus Series

Through our Inspired Conversations Campus Series, we bring a handful of women CEOs up close and personal to young women at a crossroads: about to choose their course or embark on a career. By sharing our stories and imparting advice, we hope to inspire the next generation to dream big and aspire for top positions in the corporate world.

We have successfully toured 6 schools, reaching thousands of students from Manila to Dumaguete. We have fielded about 30 CEOs to Technological Institute of the Philippines, National University, Silliman University, Asia Pacific College, Miriam College and National Teachers’ College.

Resilience, Inspire, Sustain, Empower (RISE) Coaching Series

Despite the pandemic, FCC reached out to continue its mission by going online. RISE (Resilience. Inspire. Sustain. Empower.) coaching series was launched during this time in partnership with Asia Pacific College. Volunteer CEO coaches underwent a coaching workshop with Tully Moss, an internationally certified executive coach from John Clements Consultants Inc. Now on its third year, RISE has brought about 70 graduating students and 44 CEOs together, helping prepare the students to have an edge as they begin their own careers.

“RISE” by FCC coaching series superseded expectations!

What was initially planned as simple conversations between pre-internship students and FCC women has turned out to become unforgettable life changing experiences for both coachees and coaches. The stories I heard were most authentic and fulfilling, and life-enhancing.

I heard of students speaking of transformation towards their ideal self, a far cry from before when they were oblivious to such self-realization. Through the guidance of their coaches, they crafted a vision for themselves, that will now serve as the beacon to help them find their way towards their future success, despite all odds and challenges. It also gave them confidence to interact with coaches that they never thought would spend time with them, being CEOs of well-known companies. Truly an experience that they can’t forget as it fostered their professional growth, strengthened their social skills, most of all built their self-confidence.

On behalf of the APC community, we are grateful to FCC for choosing APC students as recipients of “RISE”. FCC took a chance on APC, took a chance on our students! Such genuine act of inspiration and encouragement, we know, can only come from the authenticity and deep commitment of our FCC partners.

Thank you, FCC!

Tata Medado


AsiaPacific College

Through this coaching experience, I was able to identify my strengths and weaknesses, improve my skills, and set achievable goals by creating actionable plans to achieve them. As a result, I have gained increased confidence and motivation in my abilities, preparing me for future career opportunities in the corporate world.

Mariel Mendoza

The coaching impact on me was immense, it helped me to build confidence, overcome limiting beliefs, and develop a growth mindset. Overall, my coaching experience was a transformative experience that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.

Lorraine Yabut

I am now about halfway through my internship; I could say that I am adjusting well. Ms. Rosario made sure to tell me the ins and outs of what it is like to work in a company, such as building your network, work politics, work ethics, how to deal with a difficult boss, how to work in a team, and how to set your goals as you climb the corporate ladder. All of these things that were taught to me are essentials that will help anyone about to enter the corporate world feel more prepared and confident. Hopefully, I’ll get to apply more of what she taught me as I go along with my internship — three months to go!

Rissa Mikaela Beduya